Our Vision
Massive Breatkthroughs is driven to become the de-facto standard for digital online interactive content development, eSports events and online publishing.
Our Mission
To transform video game development and continually enhance video game and event experiences through technical innovation.
Our Story
The Massive Breakthroughs story began when one of our Founders, Steven Moher, was sitting around the Christmas tree watching his nieces and nephews open their gifts. Through the oohs and ahhs, the sound of laughter and tearing of wrapping paper, Steven watched as the children opened two different video game platforms and multiple boxed video games. He asked the inevitable question of his brother in law, “Why did you purchase two gaming consoles?” The answer he received was that his children wanted different games and those games were made to play on a specific platform. Steven shook his head and thought, “That’s just crazy.”
A few days later he and John Keller, a virtual whiz kid (no pun intended) when it came to solving complex technical computer issues, were having a discussion on how they could create a system that would enable gamers to play a game anywhere on any device at any time. And Massive Breakthroughs was born.
The change starts now. Today, after a lot of time, trial and error, and with significant financial backing Massive Breakthroughs is on the verge of applying its innovative technology to doing just that. Creating a device agnostic system enabling access to games any time, anywhere, on any device.
It will be a story of David vs. Goliath as Massive Breakthroughs enters a highly competitive industry whose market is cornered by some large and impressive organizations. But with our vision, customer focus, innovative technology, and first-rate passionate team we are ready to change the gaming industry.
Our Future
What does our future look like? Bright. So you better put on some sunglasses – even at night (thank you Corey Hart)! The video game industry is migrating to a more web-based model for the delivery of gaming content and that is right in our wheelhouse. With a data-driven customer-centric approach, Massive Breakthroughs is a team of passionate innovative folks poised to create world-class gaming content, publishing platforms, and content development tools. In fact, our Vision is to become the de-facto standard for digital online interactive content development and delivery, eSports events and online publishing.
We are here for the over 2.7 billion video gamers in the world. That’s a lot of players, and those players come from all ethnic groups, sexes, economic levels, and ages – just like our team! And for video gamers we will address high latency issues, long game downloads, frustrating buffering, stagnant content, and the high price of boxed games. We certainly can’t leave out that we will also put a major dent in the device specific game challenges, as well.
Bold? Absolutely, but we operate in victory, and have the talent, innovation and quality to back up such a bold statement. With our technical strategy laid out and tested coupled with a team of over 1,200 folks, we work hard every day to realize that vision. And one day, we will. Just watch…and play!
Our Values
Nearly every corporate website has a list of mundane platitudes that supposedly dictate the organization’s behavior and help determine how they accomplish their organizational goals. Often you read them and wonder if the organization forgot they were there.
At Massive Breakthroughs, we like to do things a bit differently. To us, a Core Value is not just a word or phrase that is posted to a website once and then forgotten. We live them every day. And when you read ours and compare them to our actions, you will see our actions speak louder than words. Real Core Values provide you insight on whether a company shares your values.
This is the attitude we take every day, and it propels our team members to succeed. Having a positive mental attitude breeds confidence which in turn breeds success. It fuels creativity and innovation, enabling our team to overcome failures and daunting odds. We look at failures as ways to learn. If we learn, we grow. If we grow, we succeed. If we succeed, then you as a gamer will realize Victory through enhanced gaming experiences! We are passionately in it to win it so that you too can Win it!
Mediocrity is for Noobs. At Massive Breakthroughs, we are driven by a passionate desire to create the best gaming and entertainment experience you’ll ever have. We are never, ever satisfied with the Status Quo! Who wants that? You are the “what” that matters, so we are constantly rethinking ways to improve YOUR game play and access. But we are also committed to providing you the best quality with our innovations. Poor execution is for the other guys! We are driven to set the standard for performance quality AND innovation in the industry!
Each of us has a specific talent or gift that no one else has. Put those talents and gifts together into one big pot called Massive Breakthroughs and you get something super special. Ideas are not the private property of the select few. They can come from anywhere. At Massive Breakthroughs we make a habit of listening and responding to our customers, team members and the industry to make sure we are delivering the value our gaming community deserves. We learn what you want and deliver it, not deliver what we want. We are stronger together, and together we are making some massive breakthroughs (see what we did there?) in the entertainment industry.
What can we say, we are a passionate company! What we do, we do with heart, and that heart helps us dictate our actions. From being fiscally responsible, to creating a safe and empowering workplace, to giving back to our community, to being servant leaders, we want to live the words honesty, integrity, and virtue. At Massive Breakthroughs doing the right thing is a must, not a choice.
Leadership Team
Massive Breakthroughs was founded by three very special individuals that have an inherent knack for solving problems and a genuine desire to help others. They believe strongly in Servant Leadership, and that belief is enthusiastically embraced by the other leaders within the company. It is part of our corporate DNA, so to speak.
Steven Moher
Chief Executive Officer
With 32 years of C-level experience (CEO, CFO, COO, President, and Regional Sales Manager), Steven has built and lead numerous successful organizations. In 2003, he started a seven-year run as CFO of Mega Battles, a manufacturer of video game development tools, which he co-founded with John Keller. They sold this venture in 2010.
Steven has supplemented his work experience with an extensive amount of formal education. He has earned three graduate degrees (MS in Computer Information Systems, Master’s in Accounting/Financial Management, and an MBA).
Scott D. Shepard
Chief Operating Officer
Scott is a seasoned and successful entrepreneur. He has owned several thriving business and managed numerous financial portfolios in the energy and health care industries. He has 31 years of expertise in finance, inventory management, logistics, manufacturing, operations management, and sales. He has worked for esteemed organizations such as IBM, Johnson and Johnson, and Kimberly Clark.
Scott is a graduate of Kansas State University where he played football and graduated with a degree in Agri-Business. He lives in Sanger, TX with his wife and two children. He’s an avid outdoorsman and enjoys flying.
Jared Walker
Chief Information Officer
Jared is a published author, internationally featured speaker, and thought leader in business transformation/ technology innovation. As an Industry Director at Oracle and Chief Technologist at Hewlett Packard for 14 years, he developed global strategy and designed efficient utilization of information technology to achieve business objectives. He redefines business processes, workflows, systems, and infrastructure to reduce cost and improve results.
Jared earned his BBA (Management in Information Systems) from the University of Houston. He holds a certification in Business Negotiations and Mediation. Additional professional training includes Project Management, Lean/Six Sigma, and Security Risk Assessment.

Massive Breakthroughs
204 Covey Lane
McKinney, TX 75071
©2020 Massive Breakthroughs. All rights reserved.